Dallas, Texas

Soft Tissue Surgery

When a beloved pet deals with health challenges, it can be a worrisome and emotional time for their caregivers. If your furry companion requires soft tissue surgery, our dedicated team and skilled veterinarians are here to help. You can always count on us for the highest level of care!

What Is Soft Tissue Surgery?

Soft tissue surgery includes a wide range of vital procedures that address various conditions. It refers to surgery on any part of a pet's body, excluding the bones (orthopedic surgery), the heart (cardiac surgery), and the nervous system (neurologic surgery).

At Trail Pet Hospital, we perform a wide range of soft tissue surgical procedures to restore your pet's health. Examples of common soft tissue surgeries we offer include mass or tumor removal, hernia repair, and pyometra.

Mass or Tumor Removal - An Overview

A mass is a lump or growth of tissue that can develop anywhere in the body. Masses can be benign, meaning they are non-cancerous, or malignant, meaning cancerous. If you see a mass on your pet, it is important to have it evaluated by our veterinary team. We may recommend removing it to prevent complications and to determine whether it is benign or cancerous.

Removing a mass or tumor is usually a simple procedure that involves making a small incision to access the targeted tissues. We typically remove some healthy tissues surrounding the mass to ensure any microscopic tumor cells are not left behind. The last step is closing the incision with sutures.

Hernia Repair - An Overview

Hernias occur when there is a weakness or tear in the muscle wall or connective tissues that allows internal organs to slip through. Signs of hernias in the groin or abdomen may include vomiting, loss of appetite, and lethargy. Pets can develop hernias for various reasons, including genetics, trauma, or underlying medical conditions. Regardless of the cause, timely intervention is crucial to prevent complications and improve your pet's quality of life.

Repairing a small and uncomplicated hernia can be as simple as pushing the internal organ tissue back through the muscle wall. However, recurrence is always a risk, so we may recommend surgical repair of the muscle wall. In the case of a complicated hernia or if the internal organs cannot be returned to the abdominal cavity, your pet may require urgent surgical hernia repair.

Pyometra - An Overview

Pyometra is a serious condition that occurs when an unspayed female dog or cat's uterus becomes infected. It typically develops after a heat cycle, during which hormonal changes can cause the uterine lining to thicken, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive.

Symptoms of pyometra may include vomiting, increased drinking and urination, decreased appetite, fever, an enlarged or painful abdomen, or foul-smelling or pus-like vaginal discharge. If left untreated, pyometra can lead to life-threatening complications.

Treatment for pyometra often involves emergency surgery to remove the infected uterus as well as supportive care such as intravenous fluids and antibiotics. That not only addresses the immediate infection but also eliminates the risk of future occurrences. We highly recommend spaying your female pet to prevent this serious condition.

Recovering from Soft Tissue Surgery

Recovering from soft tissue surgery requires careful monitoring and post-operative care to ensure a smooth healing process. Here are some ways to promote healing:

  • Incision Care: Follow our instructions for incision care, including cleaning, bandaging, and administering any prescribed medications. Keep the surgical site dry and monitor for signs of infection, including redness, swelling, or discharge. Contact us if you see any concerning changes or have questions about the healing process.
  • Restricted Activity: Your pet will need to rest and avoid strenuous activities during the initial recovery period. Limit jumping, running, and playing to prevent strain on the surgical area. Provide a calm and quiet environment to promote relaxation and healing.
  • Pain Management: We may prescribe pain medications to keep your pet comfortable during the recovery phase. Administer the medication as directed and monitor your pet for signs of pain or discomfort. Follow any additional pain management recommendations provided.
  • Dietary Considerations: Follow our guidelines on feeding and nutrition during recovery. They may recommend a specific diet or feeding schedule to support healing and prevent digestive issues. Keep clean, fresh water at all times.

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet's recovery, do not hesitate to contact your trusted team at Trail Pet Hospital for guidance and support.

Soft Tissue Surgery Near Me in Dallas, TX

If you are concerned that your pet may need soft tissue surgery, contact Trail Pet Hospital today. We offer a wide range of surgical services and are committed to providing your pet with the highest quality care. Our experienced veterinarians will do everything possible to ensure a successful outcome. We invite you to call 972-629-9766 to schedule an appointment or request one online today!

​​Proudly serving patients in Dallas, Plano, The Colony, Addison, Richardson, and the surrounding communities.

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